CWYW EndNote Web Word 2011

I’m having trouble getting the EndNote Web toolbar working in MS Word 2011. I only have access to an EndNote Web installer from my institution and I am having a couple of issues getting things to work.

After running, I do not get the toolbar to show up when I open Word. I have checked the Templates and Addins… (in Tools menu) and EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle is loading.

However, if I open EndNote Web CWYW, I get the toolbar to show up. But after doing this it only works on the document that opens in [compatibility mode]. And errors upon quitting word (“Event could not fire”), and will not load when opening the document saved while ENW is working.

I have been through the Organizer (in Templates and Addins) and copied the EndNote toolbar from the .dot file to my normal.dotm but upon quitting word (or closing the document) I receive the “Event could not fire” error as well. This method however will continue to load the ENW toolbar between quitting Word and opening it again.

Please help.

Guess you never got an answer to this either…