Endnote DOI search


I´ve searched my library for a record which has a unique DOI. The DOI has the format as example 10.1517/XXXXXXXX.
On the search panel I´ve selected DOI and “IS” operator. (–>DOI IS 10.1517/XXXXXXXX) The search returned all records which have a DOI that begins with 10.1517/. I would have expected that it would only return one record.

I´ve tried to change the search criteria a little bit and get the whole search working:
I searched for the DOI using the IS and the “Field begins with” and “Field ends with” operator.

As example:

  1. Search criteria: (Returns all records which have a DOI 10.1517/…)
    DOI IS 10.1517/XXXXXXXX.

  2. Search criteria: (Returns only the record which has the DOI 10.1517/XXXXXXXX)
    DOI IS 10.1517/XXXXXXXX
    AND DOI Field begins with 10.1517/XXXXXXXX
    AND DOI Field ends with 10.1517/XXXXXXXX

Here is my question:
Am I doing something wrong when I perform the search(“IS” operator only)? (Maybe I have to use quotation marks…)


If I recall correctly, EndNote treats numbers as strings and the search criteria calls for using the operator “Contains” (not “Is”).

Hello and thanks for your answer. I think that it is handled as a string, because of it´s format. But, please correct me if I´m wrong, “IS” will find the identical string and “Contains” will find ALL strings who have this substring in it. Example Searchstring = DOI Constains “10.1517/X” Results: { 10.1517/X, 10.1517/XY, 10.1517/XYZ, … } Searchstring = DOI IS “10.1517/X” Result: { 10.1517/X } And I would like to find only the item with that identical DOI.

Hello and thanks for your answer.

I think that it is handled as a string, because of it´s format.

But, please correct me if I´m wrong, “IS” will find the identical string and “Contains” will find ALL strings who have this substring in it.


Searchstring = DOI Constains “10.1517/X”

Results: { 10.1517/X, 10.1517/XY, 10.1517/XYZ, … }

Searchstring = DOI IS “10.1517/X”

Result: { 10.1517/X }

And I would have expected that “IS” would work like I have described above and it doesn´t.

Aha, here’s the problem. Per the online Help manual, “Contains” is only available “when searching online databases”. For searching within an EndNote library, the available operators include:

  • Is: finds all references in which the entire content of the search field is exactly the same as the search term.
    Note: This operator does not work in searches where you select the “Any Field + PDF with Notes” option from the Field list.

  • Is Less Than: finds all references in which the search term is less than the contents of the search field.

  • Is Less Than or Equal To: finds all references in which the search term is less than or identical to the contents of the search field.

  • Is Greater Than: finds all references in which the search term is greater than the contents of the search field.

  • Is Greater Than or Equal To: finds all references in which the search term is greater than or identical to the contents of the search field.

Note: For all of the “Greater Than” and “Less Than” comparisons, the comparison is either numerical or alphabetical based on the nature of the term. When the fields have both numbers and letters, numbers are considered “less than” letters, and empty fields are ignored.

Hello and thanks again,

but I´m sorry, this isn´t the problem. I´m not using “contains”. I´m using “IS”. And in your last post you have written correctly what I was expecting:

_ Is: finds all references in which the entire content of the search field is exactly the same as the search term._

I´m searching in an offline/local library for an item with an unique DOI ( DOI is 10.1517/UNIQUE ) and I´m getting an result list with more than one record. And all these records have a DOI that starts with 10.1517. By the way, I´ve checked the records and the DOI is different.

And now I´m wondering, that I´m getting more than one result when I perform a search on an unique identifier with an IS (which means “equal” to me) operater. And “is” should work on integer and string fields.

And thats my problem: Why does a search on an unique identifer return more than one record? Do I have to escape the string? Doesn´t this work in an local library? Does the search engine interpret the first 7 charactes of the DOI as a number and is cutting off the rest? And if yes, what do I have to do, to avoid that?

I´m not sure if I´m doing something wrong(e.g.quotations marks,…), because other must have such a problem too.

Did you include/check the “Match Words” option in your search parameters?

No, because it´s only one long string: 10.1517/XXXXXX. But I´ll check that.