EndNote - IJMP Citation.


I am trying to format my references as per International Journal of Project Management guidelines. I did the following:

  • Downloaded the IJMP style from the EndNote website.
  • Placed the style in the EndNote Styles folder.
  • Selected IJMP from the dropdown in EndNote.
  • Selected IJMP from the dropdown in MS Word 2007.

It doee not format the references as per the guidelines and uses the default. I restarted EndNote, machine but to no-awail. Could you please let me know how to fix the problem.


How is the style “not format the references as per the guidelines”?  Have you checked the style’s bibliography templates to see what fields are present or missing that might be contributing to the wrong format?


I reviewed the author instructions at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/30435/authorinstructions for this journal and it appears that the journal recommends the full journal format instead of the abbreviated format.  There was also a comma missing after the journal name.  Other than that I don’t see any other changes that needed to be made.  

Please find the updated style attached.

Cheryl - The EndNote Team
Intl J Project Mgmt.ens (11.1 KB)

As is the case with any output style, the way the journal name formats depends on the records in your library and your library’s journal title list.  The revised IJMP output style pulls the full journal name for the journal name. But if your Endnote record contains an abbreviated journal name and you have not set up your journal term list to translate abbreviated to full name, you may still find name format issues. If that is the case, review  information about journal term lists  in Endnote help and edit your journal term list.


Try again, but unformat and reformat again ensuring that the new style is definately selected.

Thank you. It’s working just fine now.