Endnote IPad App - for free or bundled with Endote license

I do not get it: Why do I have to pay for the app? It causes me difficulties. My institute regularly purchases Endnote licenses. I however use my own personal IPad. I have no way to buy an app for a personal IPad via the institute’s budget. Why do not you bundle the app to the software license? I prefer to really get a package, an integrated solution.

This is a reasonable question but really one for Apple. We would very much like to have the option to bundle our premium iPad App with the the purchase of EndNote for Windows or Macintosh. This is especially true for our univeristy site license customers who are some of our most loyal EndNote supporters. Unfortunately, Apple does not allow us to offer tiered pricing for premium apps.

Apple does offer discount volume pricing programs for education and business customers so I encourage you to have your instiution sign up for this program so they can get the app for 50% off.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

So why do not you hand out vouchers for your app when purchasing an Endnote license?