EndNote to Excel

Using Endnote X4 and Excel 2007

I have rearranged my fields to show only title, author, year , secondary title, vol and issue. I do have the issue column filled in each reference mentioned but it is not showing up on the main page of the library. The “issue” (custom field) is visible when I go into the reference.

My second query: I have used tab delimited style and made the appropriate changes. When I transfer to excel, the title and author columns get interchanged. It is a matter of changing the headings but I already have previous excel  sheets with title followed by author.

Any assistance would be appreciated!

  1. In the first case, if you made a Custom field to hold issue numbers (or do you mean the issue field for a Journal Article?) and it’s not appearing in your library window then it’s probably due to not designating the appropriate field to be displayed. 

Go to the EndNote toolbar, select Edit > Preferences > Display Fields. If you created a Custom field then select the one you designated (there are 8 custom fields so you need to identify the correct one). If you used the Issue field in the Journal Article template and want that info to be displayed then select the generic field " Number".  (Refer to Help or the pdf manual for a listing of the reference type field names and corresponding generic field names.

  1. In the second case if you’re asking how to import data into EndNote where fields (Author, Title) were transposed such that they don’t align with EndNote’s field order maybe build a filter. A filter will import data based on field names not necessarily field name order.

Additional comment post-posting:  Note that besides building the filter the data to be imported will probably need to be rearranged (e.g., “flipped” columns and rows; insertion of special characters to mark the field names, end of data in each field, and end of record).  For the amount of modification needed it probably would be simpler to rearrange the Author and Title columns in the Excel spreadsheets.  (Also note that EndNote has a tab delimited output style which enables exporting data per the sequence order of the EndNote fields so the fields will not be inadvertently transposed.)

Thank you! Your instructions helped.