error 11160

Hi, as my laptop crashed, I had to reinstall new software in my new pc and I got the update for RM.

I had the old RM version 8 and now I installed the 11.0.

But the new version is unable to open the database and says : database error 11160 has occurred in attempting to access this  database.

 Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

Thank you so much


i got error 11160 when i tried to save a back up copy of my database WHILE REF-MAN was still open.

I could only save a back up copy of my db after closing RM.

If the database is open when trying to copy it, the error 11160 generates.

so, i would close my database, go to my computer, go to the location of my database, and copy that and then paste onto my flash drive.

(they don’t seem to have a 'save as" feaature to save a copy of the database-the save as is only for output styles, can’t use it to create a copy of the database).

hope this helps.

forgot to add, when copying the database, you must copy the associated index file, and paste them both into the same folder.

without the index file, the database won’t work!