Is there no simple way to search the intersection of multiple groups in EndNote?
e.g., my library includes the groups “High-Freqency”, “Behavioral”, and “Finance” (which have a non-empty intersection). How would I display only the papers represening the intersection of these groups?
I’ve noticed that each entry in EndNote has a “Keyword” field. Assuming each entry’s group memberships were included in the Keyword field I could do a succession of:
Sure, that’s definitely a solution. But what if I want to change the name of one of the groups? Would I then have to go in and manually change the Keyword field for each member of that group?
I suggest you list thisunder feature request, but you can always add another keyword or replace a keyword in a selected set of references, whether they are a group or a search result, using “change or move field” or “change text” options.
But what happens if I want to add new text, then I can not use the ‘change text’ option. How to add text to several references at once (e.g. keyword field)?
I Think I found it using ‘change and move fields’ option, right?