Journal Terms List -- Increased Character Limit for Fields

I maintain a Word master list of journals which I import to Endnote’s (ver. X6) Journal Term List as a 3-column entry:

Full journal: the ISSN register’s serial key title, e.g., Journal of Modern Optics (Print)

Abbreviation 1: a full title based on the ISSN register serial key title, e.g., Journal of Modern Optics

Abbreviation 2: the ISSN register’s abbreviated key title (sometimes modified slightly), e.g., J. Mod. Opt.

Abbreviation 3 is not used.

I’ve noticed that with very long serial  titles, Abbreviations 1 and 2 may be truncated or missing. For example:

Full journal: Bulletin International de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres. Classe de Philologie, Classe d’Histoire et de Philosophie

Abbreviation 1: Bulletin International de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres. Classe de Philologie, Classe d’H [truncated halfway through Histoire]

Abbreviation 2: [blank]

It seems there is a character limit on each entry in the term list, somewhere around 240 characters. Could this character limit be expanded?