Output style: German legal

As an Endnote user, I would be very interested in having a German legal output style (e. g. based on Byrd/Lehmann, Zitierfibel für Juristen), too.

Unfortunately, the Endnote team seems not to care about the (non-U.S.) legal community. I got that impression after having to learn that a German legal output style based on Byrd/Lehmann is available for Citavi, that the Endnote style library doesn’t include British, Canadian and Australian legal output styles even if they are available for download on the internet (all of them are very different to the German style, unfortunately), and that our French colleagues have the same (unresolved) problems.

As a work-around: Does someone know of a way to import output style in the *.ccs (or *.csl or *.xml) format to the Endnote style manager?