Sorting problems for chapters by page numbers

Currently I am getting this result:

Porter, James I. 2006a. “Feeling Classical: Classicism and Ancient Literary Criticism.” In James I. Porter, ed. Classical Pasts: The Classical Traditions of Greece and Rome.
Princeton: Princeton University Press. 301-52.

—————. 2006b. “Introduction: What Is ‘Classical’ about Classical Antiquity?” In James I. Porter, ed. Classical Pasts: The Classical Traditions of Greece and Rome.
Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1-65.

My sort criteria are

Author + 

Year + 

Title + 


I’d like the two items to be reversed (the second comes first in the volume, by page numbers). How come “Pages” isn’t doing the sorting work for me?

Thanks in advance

Message Edited by jiporter on 04-12-2009 10:07 PM

I think “Title” in your sort criteria is sorting on the Primary Title (the chapter title), so the Pages criterion is no longer relevant.

Try changing your sorting criteria and replace “Title” with “Journal/Secondary Title”. Of course, this could create problems for other types of references in your bibliography.

I think that did it, John. Many thanks.