Apple Pages Plug in on Mac M1 version 20.1 Broken: No open EndNote libraries were found.

Hello Pages Users,

First, we apologize for all of the current issues with the Pages plugin for EndNote.

Part of the issue with the Pages tools for EndNote updates is that the tool is developed by the Apple Pages team, and not the EndNote team. Because they rather infrequently update those tools, the compatibility can sometimes lag. And, while we do collect these issue reports, and send them to Pages, you can also provide them directly with feedback as well, here:

Hopefully at some point in the future, a new version of these tools will become available. When that does happen, you should be able to get that updated plugin from the Apple site, here:

But for the time being, I would encourage reaching out to the Pages team via their feedback form to report these issue. Sorry for any inconvenience they may be causing.

Thanks for listening!