Between Endnote and Pubmed... Endnote should improve !


At-a-glance look at Pubmed and Endnote, I sometimes find Endnote much less genuine in term of search capabilities and date relevance in searching the bibliography database.  
For example, in pubmed, search by dates is intuitive and easy, while in Endnote this is not user-friendly at all !

To search references in “Remote Library” there is no option to limit dates to a given period!

Fields are set to “contains”! 
To contait what?

User is expected to put anything and it will work? :confounded:

I think the options are inversed between search in “Remote Library” and the “Local Library” as the options already avalilable in Local Search are more suitable for the Remote Search!

Otherwise, what to put and how to put it in a field asking for “Year” … “contains” ? In such a case, which is the right date format to pick up and search to get right results?

To search in a Remote Library, one  simply, clearly and intuitively  needs to limit dates as simply as " FROM" …" TO" !.. but not " Contains

Date Limit Options could thus be supplied as a small calendar icon to chose from, and/or could also be supplied manually.

I think Endnote needs much more modifications to improve the search options in the Remote Library, particularly with regard to dates and relevancy. 

Thank you 

Dear EndNoter

It is possible to range search  for years in any remote search by entering  the two  years with a colon between them eg 2007:2012 .

Most of the limitations to EndNote’s remote search are due to the fact that it is using the Z39.50 protocol to interrogate the database, this is rather more limited than the options available in the native interface.

Kind regards


Better late than ever, thank you Patti!