EndNote 20 crashes Word on Mac mini under Big Sur 11.2.3

Recently, I upgraded from EndNote X9.3.3 to EndNote 20.0.1 (Bld 16742) on my Intel Mac mini (2018) running macOS Big Sur 11.2.3. The EndNote 20 crashes my Word Version 16.47 (Microsoft 365) everytime when trying to insert a new citation. The issue is not document-specific, i.e. it does crash new as well as previous documents. It is still fine with EndNote X9.3.3 and Word 16.47 with the same EndNote library on my MacBook running macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 as well. The issue is making Endnote 20 obsolete on my Mac mini at the moment. Could you please help me to fix the problem? Thank you.

Thomas F. (Germany)

I also have the same problem.

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