EndNote 8.1 seriously slow on MacOS 10.13

Using Endnote 8 on my 5 year old mac and it has been INTOLERABLY slow. Wasn’t sure if it was Endnote or my computer. Restarting endnote helped, but not enough.

The helpdesk at my university’s library recommended I contact this number:


I just spoke with the most helpful person named Steve. Basically, the problem was that my endnote library was being saved in a folder that was being backed up on Google Drive. I can’t give as thorough of an explanation as he did because I don’t fully understand why this is problematic, but he said that most people having issues with Endnote being slow can fix it by just saving their library somewhere else that is not being backed up by a 3rd party server.

This includes anything like Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc…

I did it and problem SOLVED! Who knew the fix could be so simple.

Hope it helps some of you guys having a similar problem. If not, I’d recommend calling the number above!