EndNote 9 Extremely Slow

@leanne wrote:

Mac or PC (I assume you mean EndNoteX9 not EndNote9).  


How many styles have you installed?   If there are too many it affects the speed of the program (thousands rather than hundreds). 


You can make sure there aren’t any corrupted citations by converting to temporary/unformated citations (NOT PLAIN).  You can then remove any field codes (try now to convert to PLAIN) (ALTHOUGH probably not the best idea if you also have tables of contents or other fields in the document though).   Do this on a copy.   


Lots of images inserted?  (I recommend you insert images last). 


You can input pages in the unformatted citations.  Just put in the @ and the numbers.  (You will see how they look when you converted from formated to unformated citations).  


thanks for the awesome information.