EndNote Vs McAfee Antivirus - Access Protection

Hi All,

Just ran into an issue with Mcafee Antivirus, My computer told me access protection was turned off so did the right thing and turned it back on. Around this time EndNote stopped functioning as well as it had been. It would not Find Reference updates nor would it sync telling me for each of these it could not connect to server. Doing a google search didn’t help finding any known issues and took a while for me to connect firewall/antivirus as an issue so I thought I would tell of my experience in case it can help someone else.

Disclaimer - I am a Bachelor of Education undergrad not an IT expert and this was being done on my personal laptop. 

the solution I found was to go to McAfee Virus Console - Highlight/click on Access protection

right click mouse - and select view log.

This then informed me of the following entry among others

5/09/2015    9:29:31 PM    Blocked by port blocking rule     C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X7\EndNote.exe    Common Maximum Protection:Prevent HTTP communication

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McAfee Virus Console - Highlight Access protection

right click mouse - this time select Properties

Under the categories column there is

 - Common Maximum Protection - highlight/click this

 - in the list of rules find Prevent HTTP communication

 - click on EDIT

 - Add EndNote.exe into  Processes to Exclude box

This solved my problem, hope this helps others.

Should read

Common Maximum Protection: Prevent HTTP communication

smiley :stuck_out_tongue: was automatically generated. Sorry

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