EndNote Word Error in Find & Insert My References

Do you have both, EndNote and Mendely installed on your system?

If yes, deactivate Mendeley in the Word coms and you will succeed. Here is the macro that I use:

Sub TurnOffMendeley()
 ' Toggle Mendeley temporarily
 ' © Christian Wolkersdorfer c.wolke@web.de
 ' 2021-06-01 initial version
' 2021-06-20 mendeley version will now be detected
 ' ensure Mendeley version is correct
 wordStartupPath = Environ("appdata") & "\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\"
menVersion = Dir(wordStartupPath & "Mendeley-*.dotm")
menPath = wordStartupPath & menVersion
AddIns(menPath).Installed = _
  Not (AddIns(menPath).Installed)

End Sub

edit: code optimized for other Mendeley versions

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