EndNote X5 Highlights

So yeah,  I downloaded X5 and upgraded earlier this week.  No problems with the install, though I didn’t know it was about to re-index my PDF files.  Long story short: No problems upgrading.

So I’m pretty jazzed about the new PDF capability that was touted, but was pretty dissappointed in what was offered.  C’mon, folks… a static note box?  Sorry, but that’s a pretty lame implementation of an annotating tool.  You’d think it’d be linked or copied to the Research Notes field. 

+1 on the comment about the tabs…seems like there’s still quite a bit of screen real estate that could’ve been used.

Why stop at PDFs?  Why not html and doc(x) files, too?  (Or OO equivalent)

Sorry, but I can’t say it was worth the hundred buck for the upgrade at this point.