EndNote X8.2. and Apache Open Office 4.1.5. It works !

According to my previous post messages concerning Libre Office 6.xx and Apache Open Office 4.1.3, I found this feature (see picture) . 

It is reproducible with Windows 8.xx Pro (32 Bit)  / EN X8 .xx  and Windows 10 Pro (64 Bit) /ENX9.xx

At first start Libre Office 6.xx and write a sentence (see picture), Then start EN X8.xx or EN 9.xx and select a reference in the library.

Go to Libre Office and insert the selected citation (see picture)(style Angewandte Chemie).

Activation of EN without click for Apache Open Office:

select CWYW  in the EN X8 or X9  extension (see picture) then click CWYW preferences.

Mark open EndNote when starting Open Office (EN X8) or Apache Open Office  (EN X9).

Leave e.g. close  Libre Office 6.xx.

When you start Open Office 4 xx EN X8 or EN X9 starts automatically without click in the EN X8 or EN X9 extension in order to open EN X8 or EN X9.