EndNote X8 Keeps Crashing on Mac

Going to add my voice to the chorus of frustration here.

I am having the same issue. 

End note X8 (recently upgraded) persistently crashes when I click on references to view them.

Seems to happen with those that have PDF attachments, which are the majority of my 578 references.

I am running it on Macbook air Sierra 10.12.5.

I went through two technicians at my university and we attempted with no success the following:

1. uninstall then reinstall of the program

  1. Rebuild of my library - which for some reason crashed at when it reached reference number 295

  2. Creation of a new account profile

Interestingly my library, which I presumed had become corrupted somehow is not the issue as the senior tech consultant imported it to his Windows PC and there were no issues for him.

This needs to fixed soon as I am in the middle of writing my thesis and this has seriously slowed down my work flow.