EndNote is very slow

Well I am reading this because I am a return user to endnote, having used it on a much slower machine years ago. Upgraded on a machine that can process video at 60 frames per second. And now, I am left looking at that spinning beach ball (I’m on a mac) when I save, when I open, when I close. Today the last straw happened when I was trying to delete a duplicate reference. I pressed the delete key. The beach ball spun and spun. Activity Monitor (which I have opened to try to see what is happening) told me that Endnote is not responding. I pressed the delete key again, and for good measure again. Next thing I know two references have been deleted, and because there is no undo in Endnote, they are gone and I don’t know what they are. 

How pathetic. Come on now, this is a database! We’re not computing the position of subatomic particles.

Clearly the people at Rueters are not using this program or testing it. 

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