Endnote 20 view PDF


I support EndNote at my university library and have been surprised to hear this conversation about the EndNote Preview. I have always thought there is a special value in being able to see the pdf in a second window. From the note I’m responding to, it sounds like the person is showing the preview while checking the reference. Could someone explain this more?

I’ve seen the automatic preview appear in the 3-tab window which would use the area that shows the reference. Does checking the reference mean verifying it on the pdf itself in the preview?

I always found the print in the preview too small to read and expanding the pdf with the arrow icon in the 3-tab panel made the pdf take up too much space (even though the window could be sized and moved).

Mendeley is very good for letting you see the pdf and the reference data at the same time and it’s very common for me to fix data in the references in Mendeley (something that did not seem as often encountered in EndNote) while looking at the pdf.

Have a nice day