Endnote X1 file attachements error - "This URL(\\) could not be launched"

Hello, I have the same problem :

-Endnote X1 on Vista

When I attach a file I can’t re-open it.

I think the problem comes from the link used by Endnote X1 : "\D:…\mydoc.doc "

It consider that my file is on a network drive (" \" ) whereas I use a local drive!

For example when I put the link present in the error message in the run window (start > Run), Vista don’t find it because it is looking on the network (my DNS doesn’t know “D” ) instead of in local !

The good link should be : “D:…\mydoc.doc”

Please if you have any response tell me, because if I can’t use file attachement => I can’t use this tool… :frowning:

Message Edited by samuel on 10-25-2008 04:48 AM

Message Edited by samuel on 10-25-2008 04:48 AM

Message Edited by samuel on 10-25-2008 04:50 AM