Endnote X1 "Unspecified Error" when Word 2007 comments open Reviewer Pane

Track Changes comments and EndNote formatting just don’t play well together – they both use field codes that are very similar to each other, and consequently EndNote gets confused when it sees a comment, attempts to format it, and we get problems.


We don’t currently have a solution to this issue, but we do have a workaround:  Basically, you want to make sure that you don’t have both comments and formatted citations in your document at the same time.  If you must use comments in your document, unformat your citations (using the Unformat Citations / Convert to Unformatted Citations command), then turn off Instant Formatting (see instructions, below) and use only unformatted citations in your document.  Then, when you’re ready to format your bibliography, delete all the comments in your document using the “Delete All Comments In Document” command on your Reviewing tab, then use Format Bibliography or Update Citations and Bibliography (depending on the version of Word that you’re using). 


To disable instant formatting:


  1. In Word 2002 (XP)/2003, select Tools / EndNote / Format Bibliography.

    In Word 2007, go to the “Add-ins” tab and EndNote / Format Bibliography.

    With EndNote X1/X2 and Word 2007, hit (ALT+3) on your keyboard to bring up the Format Bibliography screen.
  2. Select the “Instant Formatting” tab.
  3. Click the Turn Off button.

This will prevent issue when working with the current document. To prevent it from occurring in future documents...

  1. In Word 2002 (XP)/2003, select Tools / EndNote / Cite While You Write Preferences.

    In Word 2007, go to the "Add-ins" tab and EndNote / Cite While You Write Preferences.
  2. Uncheck the box labeled "Enable Instant Formatting on new Word documents".