Endnote X8 on Mac OS 10.12.4 - cannot import RIS references from anywhere

I could reproduce your issue with the .ris file you provided, on Endnote X8 on OS 10.11.6.

I looked at the file content and it seems that your RIS file violates the conventions for this format. The “TY” (type) indicator needs to be the first line of the record, and it is not.

See here: 


So I modified your RIS record accordingly, and voila, it works for import with Endnote. (attached)

Whereever you got that RIS file from, they ought to fix their format compliance. Not Endnote’s fault, after all.

Sorry for the technical answer :-}

ABLITT_LivingWithDementiaRelationships_Fixed.ris.zip (1.56 KB)