Endnote X8 slowness problem ("lagging")

Journal  tems update options in are “preferences”.  (see image) If you watch that video in the KB article, the journal terms list is used to automatically ensure that the correct abbreviation or the full title is used, according to the journal publisher requirements, and they are consistent.  

When we import from various sources, the abbreviation often gets pulled into the full title and vica versa which is why I turn it off, and start with a clean version.  On occassion, if I use an unusual journal, I might have to add it to the terms manually, but having it pulled in wrong, isn’t helpful either.  

I set mine as in image.  Since 99% of my entries are downloaded directly, it really isn’t useful to have the author or keywords auto-updating, although it might be nice to have some terms (keywords maybe) updated but leave the journal terms alone.  The auto suggest during manual updating (which you might want to use for adding specific keywords for example and maintain consistency) might be one reason to keep the update on.  Once you have a pretty complete journal list, it should be safe from additions, except in the case of those rare or new journals.