Endnote X8 slowness problem ("lagging")

I upgraded from X7 to X8 a few days ago, the new version duplicated (very badly) many entries (but not all of them). When I delete an inappropriate duplicate (using the backspace key) I spend approximately 5 seconds watching the spinning wheel. And the slowing increases as I use Endnote

This is very disappointing and I am looking for alternative bibliography tools

Library Name: gagnevinpublis Copy2.enl
Location: /Users/gagnevin/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/gagnevinpublis.enlp/gagnevinpublis Copy2.enl
Last Saved: vendredi 20 avril 2018 à 12:48:55 heure d’été d’Europe centrale
Records: 128
Custom Groups: 4
Reference Types Used: 4
Most Used ref. types: Journal Article, Conference Proceedings, Book Section, Patent
File Attachments: 44
Figures: 0
Authors Term List: 533
Journals Term List: 85
Keywords Term List: 381