Endnote activity leading to GPU spikes? High ntoskrnl activity when using cite while you write and instant forma

I’m writing my dissertation in word using cite while you write (CWYW), using a windows 10 computer with endnote X9.3.3.

I’ve noticed that recently when I insert a new citation with CWYW that I’m getting transient system slowdowns (~5-10 seconds) while the endnote “updating bibliography” progress bar is present in word. Looking at task manager I’m getting a spike of “ntoskrnl.exe” that includes a spike to >95% of GPU usage (gtx1070) during this period. The screenshot shows a lower % since I took the screenshot late.

My questions then are:

  • Should I be worried about blue screens of death as I continue writing from these spikes?

  • Why is endnote activity leading to spikes in GPU use?

  • Since I’m only 4/5ths of the way through the introduction (296 references 68 pages total), will I need to/should I turn off instant formatting?