Endnote changes my page numbers!

I am using Endnote X8 on a MacBook Pro with Wird for mac 2011.

In a footnote, I have the unformatted reference

{De Magalhães, 1667 April #3263@171 lines 32-50},

When I do ‘Update citations and bibliography’ this formats to:

de Magalhães, Letter of April 1667. 171 lines 132-150

Whereas I want:

de Magalhães, Letter of April 1667. 171 lines 32-50

How can I stop this annoying behaviour?

You will want to check the Page Number setting in the style you are using.

The style might be set to Show the Full Range of Pages.

You can change the setting Don’t Change Page Numbers.

In EndNote you can go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager > locate the style you are using > Click Edit > go to Page Numbers > make the change above > go To File > Save As > (EndNote  will not allow you to change the existing style in EndNote but will always apply the change to a copy of the style) Click Save to save the changes to a copy of the style > close the style window.

You can the use the new style in your document.

If you have trouble of need further assistance then contact Technical Support:

1-800-336-4474 option 4 then 1


Thanks - that worked.  I can switch the problem on and off by changing the Page Number options.

I am most grateful for your help.  I suppose I can say that I was lucky to  notice the problem before the article was published and other researchers began to inform me politely (or otherwise) that my line numbers were larger than  the number of lines on the pages of the manuscript I have been working on!

I am glad to hear that the edit to the output style helped to resolve the issue.

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