Endnote x9.3 updates converting to new engine

Thanks for your response. I always knew the transition wouldn’t be easy, but it seems you weren’t prepared for the release or provided any instructions or warnings.  Currently beta testing for our institute, and the fact that you still don’t allow cloud sharing of more than one library – it makes it difficult to collaborate with anyone else as we prepare for an institute wide process on both the windows and the Mac platforms.  Ugh.  

Why not give an option to change the library name rather than a default or a warning that the new one already exists too?  Why not force endnote to create a new library name, if it tries to open one that it thinks doesn’t have a .DATA file?  

I know that developers recommend not using network drives, but I have used the network drive for over 19 years with no hickups, so am not going to change now.  Our network drives are backed up, while our hard drives are not.  Everything on our work desktops are mapped to network drives. So we will just have to work thru it.