How to insert ibid if author repeated in in-text citations?

Thank you very much for your answer.  But in my case I didn’t want to use it in the bibliography but within the text.

For example an in-text citation:

“He said this” (Doe 2008: 21). Some text to fill the space. But on the other hand, “[…] he said that” (ibid.: 22).

In the bibliography it would then use the full set of information, e.g.:

Doe, John (2008): Why it is This and That. Doetown: John’s University Press.

The problem is, that until now Endnote would do it this way:

“He said this” (Doe 2008: 21). Some text to fill the space. But on the other hand, “[…] he said that” (Doe 2008: 22). 

Is there a way to have Endnote recognize this? With footnotes it does.

Thanks a lot
