Multiple Selected PubMed References Coming into EndNote as Only One Reference

I’ve sleected three references in PubMed, and when I direct export them to EndNote, they are coming in as only one reference. All authors from each reference are in the author field (multiple times if they have featured in more that one article), and all titles are in the title field. Only one source is listed though, and that’s the journal, volume, issue and pages from the first reference selected.

I’m using EndNote 20.1 on a Windows computer. The Windows version is 10.0.19042. The error is happening in both Chrome and Firefox. 

Colleagues with the same version of EndNote and Windows aren’t having this issue.

Any suggestions or ideas as to why this is happening?


What is your workflow, and is it the same as your colleagues?  Are you using Pubmed and exporting and to what kind of file? 

Following the instructions here: (I just tested this with EndnoteX9.3 and it seemed to work fine, creating afile with a .nbib extension). I had to close my library as it asked to open a library and wouldn’t let me open the library that was already open).  

Or are you (or your colleagues) using Endnote’s “Connect” interface and collecting them from pubmed?  (which I find easier).  


I have checked PubMed imports from PubMed (multiple refs and single refs using “Cite”) both on Mac and Windows and it works fine for me. So follow Leannes advice to check if you have done something wrong during the import.

Best wishes

Jan Ove


Workflow is the same as my colleagues, and the same as the instructions you inlcuded the link for ie exporting from PubMed.

The file is a .nbib

I had a go using the PubMed connect interface from within EndNote, and it was fine, which was nice!

I’ll let them know that’s an option.

Thanks for your help.