Possesive form in text citations

I think it is about time the ability to cite authors in the possesive form is provided in endnote.

My reviewers always criticize this omission and so I have to manually insert the 's before forwarding a document. It does not always work as expected.

How about it?




I am surprised that you feigned incredulity at my inquiry. Your response suggests that you are unfamiliar with the possessive noun in in-text citations. Let me provide an example. 

“To summarize, building on Bolton, Brunnermeier, and Veldkamp’s (2008) idea that resoluteness is a form of overconfidence.” (Kaplan et al., 2012).

The idea belongs to the authors in the citation and should be explicitly expressed in the sentence. Without the apostrophe ‘s’ , the sentence sounds a bit dry. What is the mystery in this? 

See this blog for an explanation: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/06/forming-possessives-with-singular-names.html

Can’t this be achived by entering “Bolton, Brunnermeier, and Veldkamp’s” manually, then inserting (Bolton, Brunnermeier, and Veldkamp, 2008) with EndNote and then use the remove author function? The end result will be

Bolton, Brunnermeier, and Veldkamp’s (2008)

Best wishes

Jan Ove

It is not a construct I ever use, I guess.  I think the fact they finally allowed an Author (Year) format was a great step forward, but not something I really wanted either.

The solution is to go back to the old format where we hide the author and type in exactly what you want (as suggested below by Jan Ove).  

I stress I have nothing to do withe Endnote or as a developer.  I am a scientist and a long time user of the product. I don’t work for TR, so don’t tar TR with my incredulity. I liked Endnote when it was a clean and uncomplicated add-in – the more complicated it gets, the more unexpected behaviours it displays.  (and the harder it is for the developers to get it to work with each new iteration of Microsoft products).  

hence my “Huh?”  sorry.