endnote reference error

Okay, I have answered this three times and each time, it seems to go into a black hole, and no “draft” version exists anywhere.  

The example you gave is a review and the messed up bibliography is missing the journal, so I wondered if you have a ref type wrong.  But that isn’t enought to explain what is going on here, if it happens when you change the output style in WORD (not in the program) and it still happens.  That would mean there is either a problem in the word document or in the way you are entering the records in your library.  

If it is a word problem, maybe there is a corruption in the document, and if you make a copy of the document and unformat the copy to “convert to unformated citations” from the endnote ribbon in word  {author, year #recnumber} (or Accession Number instead of rec number, my preference which is defined in edit>Preferences temporary citation - “use field instead of record number”).  Then you can scan to see if the field codes for your problematic citations are still there – which means they are likely corrupted.  At this point you can clean them up by deleting them, or use word’s remove field codes tools.  If everything looks clean, you should try to updated citations and bibliography and see if it inserts them correctly this time.  

if it is wierd characters in your records in endnote, because you copy and pasted them in, or imported them rather than using the connect feature?  I tried a number of things with extra returns and funny characters but couldn’t duplicate what you were seeing.  

I downloaded the Harvard_UL_2016 style from the University of Limerick site, and it worked fine with my library and word documents.  It is unlikely to be the style, if you didn’t edit it. (which you would do from Edit>output styles> edit “Harvard_UL_2016”)  

The full cleanup corrupt document steps are here:  https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-Problematic-field-codes-causing-jumping-cursor-the-range-cannot-be-deleted-or-other-problems-while-formatting (but I have never had to copy the text and paste it into a new document.  Usually unformating and reformating fix it just fine).