repeated intext citations

Hi There,  

I’m using Word2016 and EndnoteX7. This is the problem:

This is the problem:

"because of its size and portability, it was very popular in such places as the chinganas, the nineteenth-century Chilean taverns(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)(Pereira Salas, 1941, p. 86)…

Thanks for any help


This is usually indicative of a corruption in one of the citations.  If you have the original library, try the steps outlined in this Knowledge Base article.  – I don’t usually have to copy and paste into a new document, and you may also have to turn back on automatic formating.