Bibliography re-references to in-text citations

@CrazyGecko: The motivation is not to meet a style guideline requirement for publication but my eager to facilitate an active use of the bibliography by the reader. If the bibliography is in alphabetic order the suggestion is especially helpful giving a swift overview of where to find the in-text reference positions to the reader’s selection of the most relevant references within the bibliograhpy. I have seen this once in a PhD thesis and it inspires me to follow the good example in my current thesis writing.

Your suggested workaround is indeed interesting - possibly combined with (custom field) bookmarks that may accomplish a semi-automated pagination. Semi-automated such that every position/bookmark need to be manuallly included in the text and in the custom field (once for each reference position), but all following pagingation is automatically updated with other text editing (causing referred to page numbers to change). But, as said, this hoped for functionality is not yet verified by me.