CMOS 17th shortened repeated citation (author + page only)

In the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, “ibid.” has been replaced by a shortened citation that includes just author’s last name and the cited page(s). For example:

  1. Morrison, Beloved, 3.

  2. Morrison, 16.

  3. Morrison, 62.

  4. Morrison, The Bluest Eye, 42.

  5. Morrison, Beloved, 10.

I’ve tried customizing the repeated citation template, but I’m having difficulty. I keep trying variations on: Author,| Cited Pages. But no matter what I do, the result doesn’t show the author’s name, but only the page number. I have no problem with the regular short form (author, short title, page), but for some reason removing the title also removes the author. Any ideas?

I believe the endnote developers need to address this, I think there was a similar issue reported here.  Endnote seems to not be able to handle these kind of ibids or repeated citations in footnotes correctly.  I would report it to support and hope they can get this on the priority fix list.