Capitalization in Chicago 15th A style


Your solution is

Endnote Menu>



Select “Change case” from the list

Here you can input words that your system will ignore.  These are caSe SeNsitive.  So, if you put in hiv, endnote will never capatalize it.  Likewise, if you put in HIV, with that spelling and case in the title will remain unchanged.  Any missed entries, however, you’ll have to go in and change the record by hand.  Once changed, however, you are in the clear.

I use a lot of chemical names and such in my references; dealing with that was a nightmare until I figured this out.  Its still bad dream, however, since I must train endnote to ignore case changes on every single chemical name I could ever input.  It is better, however, than having to change the title cases of every record in the list.

Message Edited by thiosk on 09-27-2008 03:07 PM