Change/move/copy Fields to create numbered field automatically numbered #1-655


I have an endnote database of 655 references.

I would like to create a custom field (or modify an existing field that is currently blank, such as “call number”) and populate this field with numbers 1-655, while the references are sorted alphabetically by Author’s last name.

so author Alan Aardvark  would be assigned #1 in the custom field … up through Zip Zazz #655.

I haven’t found a way to insert a formula (n+1) in the change/move/copy Fields box.

Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

many thanks!


You cannot apply a formula when using Change/move/copy Fields

As a workaround here is something you could try.

I would first make a copy of your library by go going to File and Save a Copy

EndNote does have a field called Record Number which you can display in the library view.

In EndNote, click on the Edit menu or the EndNote menu for Mac and select Preferences.

Click on the Display Fields option.

You can then change one of the columns to be Record Number which is near the top in the drop down list.

Now that you can see the number assigned to the references you can sort the references alphabetically by clicking on the Author column.

You could then do Edit and Select All to highlight all your references.

You could then go to Edit and Copy.

You would next go to File and New Library to create a blank library.

Once the New Library is open you can go to Edit and Paste you should end up with references alpha sorted but also numbered 1-655.

You could then use this library instead of the original if you prefer.

not without exporting the library and reimporting it as a new library (which is also not easy).  Why does it need to be hardwired in this way in the library?  – But Tim’s suggestion is even better!  

Hi Tony,

This did work. Thanks for your help!



I am glad that I was able to help.

Please let us know if you have any more questions.