Citation with style [ABCD05] with EndNote X2


Thanks for the immediate reply!

Ok, I didnt know this required citation style was so special. Probably I just didnt manage to articulate well. I need this style for my thesis. And it is kind of common (in Germany) I guess. Ok here is an example taken out of: (IN ENGLISH)

References to the bibliography within the text are in the form
(1) [Ez99] for a source with one author: E (capital) stands for the first letter of the au-thor’s family name, z for the second letter of the family name, 99 stands for the year of publication,
(2) [Ez99a], [Ez99b], if a number of works by the same author exist from the same year,
(3) [AB00] or [ABC01] for a source with two or three authors: A, B and C stand for the first letters (in capitals) of the authors in the sequence in which they are listed in the source.
(4) in the case of more than three authors, only the first author mentioned in the source is listed, by analogy with (1), e.g. [Az99].


[AB00] Abel, K.; Bibel, U: Formatierungsrichtlinien für Tagungsbände. Format-Verlag, Bonn, 2000.

[ABC01] Abraham, N.; Bibel, U.; Corleone, P.: Formatting Contributions for LNI. In (Glück, H.I. Hrsg.): Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Formatting of Workshop-Proceedings, New York, 1999. Noah & Sons, San Francisco, 2001; pp. 46-53.
[Az99] Azubi, L. et. al.: Die Fußnote in LNI-Bänden. In (Glück, H.I.; Gans, G. Eds.): For-matierung leicht gemacht - eine Einführung. Format-Verlag, Bonn, 1999; pp. 135-162
[Ez99] Ezgarani, O.: The Magic Format - Your Way to Pretty Books. Noah & Sons, 2000.

Did it get clearer?

Thanks again!

