Citations in text only, not in footnote/endnote -- can Endnote XI do it?

You sound desperate, and while I don’t know the answer to your problem or what you are trying to achieve, here are some random thoughts as they occured to me.  


Also, the “about this style” for A advises (in version ENX)

“This style requires both footnotes and bibliography. To add cited pages to your in-text citations and footnotes, include them in your in-text citation by adding an “@” symbol followed by the pages:
[Wilde, 1895 #32@ 88]”


Although the fact that the citation section is empty would seem to confound this advice?   

So, if you want the citation  – (authorname, year pp CITED PAGES) information, to always appear in the body of the text.  Edit the style to include

(Author Year|,*pp*Cited Pages|) where the * are inserted field, link adjacent, and the | are inserted field - forced separation. 

If you just want the inserted citations to show up in the bibliography at the end, I think the current style achieves that, they just disappear from the body of the text  but are listed in the “endnotes” (as it appears the style requirements demand).

If you want something different, perhaps you need to give us a more extensive example of your output requirements.  Also, is there a output bibliography style that matches what you want?  In that case, you could, (in EndNote) have that syle showing and do the copy formated (ctrl K) and paste it into your document as plain text?  Would that help you?