Custom bibliography that includes 'Order of Appearance'

Wow!  Thanks for the quick reply!

I tried that, but then my bibliography appears only in the order I originally cite my references.  So ‘Smith’ (to keep the example going) ends up at the top of my bibliography (as Smith is my first in-text citation) instead of ‘Adams’ (who I need at the top because the biblography must be alphabetical).

In this sense, I need the ‘Order of Appearance’ to be a sub-set ordering of the Custom bibliography setting. 

The biblography would then run A dams, B arns, C ooper, etc. to S mith, then list Smith’s 2007a, 2007b, 2007c in order of appearance and not in order of the title of Smith’s publications (which it appears to default to do).  Because of this, my first Smith citation appears as “(Smith, 2007c)” when I need it to be “(Smith, 2007a)”. 

I want my custom bibliography to look something like:

Author +

Original publication +

Year {+

Order of Appearance}

It is this last section “{ }” that I can’t find as a sub-set command of the custom options. 

Any ideas?