Export BibTex from EndNote Web (with labels)

I had the same problem using “BibTex Export using EN label endnote”, and the solution in my case was difficult to find, but surprisingly simple: 

  1. Install “BibTex Export using EN label”.

  2. Go to Edit, Output Styles, Open Style Manager. 

  3. Locate “BibTex Export using EN label” and press Edit. 

  4. Go to Bibliography - Templates in the left menu. 

Here you will see the following: 



@book{|Label,|" etc.

  1. go through the list and replace all the “|Label,|” with “|Label|,”, i.e. move the comma to after the right bar: 



@book{|Label|," etc.

and save it. That fixes my problem.

I am a new user to EndNote, so I don’t know whats the cause of this (wrong EndNote version?). I’m not ready to claim that there is an error in “BibTex Export using EN label endnote”. But I really think this is strange.