Export Groups to Excel

Is there a way to do this without going into each group, I have 9509 references in 4136 groups (smartgroups, standard groups and groups on groups) in 125 group sets.  I would prefer not to have to open each group in order to do this.

The other problem is that I use most, if not all the extra fields.

I should note that the result I am looking for is to actually generate a report from EndNote instead of having to export to excel or copy the group numbers to excel in order to do this.


  • group1 is a search that shows 165 results
  • group2 is a search that shows 259 results
  • group3 shows 178 results

I want to generate a report that says

Group 1 - 165

Group 2 - 259

Group 3 - 178

Since the numbers constantly change, I would rather generate the report from EndNote than take the chance of making a mistake while transposing the numbers to excel.