Exporting PDFs to a separate folder

I was also looking for a way to do this and I came up with what I think my be a speedier alternative.  In my case, I wanted to export the pdfs from about 40 references but it will work with any number.  I was using endnote X7 in windows 8.1.  If you wanted to do this with all of your pdfs you could start at step 4 after locating the pdf folder for your particular endnote library.

  1. Select the references

2) Copy the references to a new libary (References - Copy to - New Libary) I called the new libary “pdf export” but any name will do

3) Find the new libary and go to the pdf folder, there you will see a number individual folders each containing one pdf

4) Do a search for *.pdf in that pdf folder - this will then list all of the pdf files

  1. Copy and paste those pdfs to a convenient destination and use as desired.

It was quick and painless.  I hope this helps.

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