File is already open for writing and cannot be opened again

@kleedham wrote:

… I then have to close down Word, close down EndNote and open the ris file again , in which case it saves perfectly…


Can you clarify why you are opening an .ris file to insert a citation? Files such as .ris should first be imported* into Endnote then you can insert the citation from the Endnote library – not from the…ris file itself.

*Go to the Endnote toolbar and choose File >Import >File. In the Import File pop-up box, locate and select your .ris file; designate “Reference Manager (RIS)” as the Import caption filter; and change the Duplicates setting to “Discard Duplicates”. Click the Import button to begin importing. If the references do not import into Endnote there might be a mismatch between the tags of the import file and the import filter. If this happens, please attach a sample of 5 to 10 records to enable checking of the tags.