How can I open corresponding reference of inserted citation in Endnote

Hello Everyone,

Kidly help me in inserting citation to my paper, I tried a lot but after that the number of reference in Endnote libarary is big which making access to certain reference take much time,

So is there any way to access to certain reference directly , for example when I select the citation number or biblography from my paper in MS word, Is there any way to open corresponding reference directly in Endnote and selecting it.

Thanks in advance

At least for Endnote X8 and X9.3, if you right click on the citation, you select “more” and the citation(s) will be highlighted in the list and give the option to “edit reference” as long as it is your library name in the Library column. Then double click on the name and it should open the record in your library. 

If it is the Traveling Library version, it can’t jump to the original version.