How to align second and third line with the first line of reference?


I am trying to align second and third line with the first line of reference.

  1. I adjusted Haning indent: All paragraphs.

  2. In the “Start each reference with,” I deleted tab symbol and put three space (…), because I thought there is too much space between number and reference. Current setting in this box Bibliography Number…"

I would like to see the consecutive paragraphs from the first line should be exactly located in where the first line is. Is there any way to set up this function in EndNote, without touching anything from Word? 

Thank you!

You can never get a hanging indent lined up accurately, if you use spaces rather than a tab.  So I would return to your original output style layout settings, and you can adjust your bibliography’s layout tab/hanging indent spacing in the Endnote ribbon, bibliography, layout tab, and decrease the haning indent from 0.5 to 0.3.  See images.