How to include in the footnote EITHER the field "Cited Pages" OR the field "Pages"

Hi there,

Thank you for your time. I am not using any of these, but my own style, which derives from the general and traditional citation style used in Philology and Humanities. 

“how does one know if the citation is a one page paper, or a cite from the paper?”

Well, one doesn’t; (s)he should look at the final biblioraphy. But note that there a different works (i.d., papers) which do not require to include a final bibliography. That is not needed.

I do remember that in BookEnds this kind of choosing could be made, but I am afraid in EndNote users are more used to Social Sciences / Natural Sciences styles. For now, what I am doing is:

Author, «Title», Journal Volume|, |Year|•,•|Pages|•[•Cited Pages•]

E.g., M. Albright, «The name of the paper», JNE 28, 32-56 [38]

where 38 is the specific page I want to cite in this point. But it is actually no solution.