Inserting access date for online sources in APA


I need to  Insert access date for online sources in Vancouver style. to my reference in my word document . Please let me know how did you procede.

@shigaman wrote:

Thank you very much, Leanne.


I think I’ve figured out what I need to do. 

Standard APA 6th Output Style bibliography settings for Electonic Articles are:

Author. (Year). Title|. [Reviewed Item]|. Periodical Title, Volume|(Issue)|, Pages|.| Retrieved from Website Title website: |URL| doi:DOI


I want my bibliography entry to read: Retrieved March 22, 2012 from…


Previously, when trying to edit the template, I had positioned the cursor for “insert field” between Retrieved and from, so the settings read Retrieved Date Accessed from Website Title website… which didn’t work as I wanted.


I realised that I need to close and re-open the quotation marks in order for the desired access-date field, and not the words “Date Accessed” to appear in the reference. I’ve done this now, and it seems to work fine. The Output Setting style now reads:

Author. (Year). Title|. [Reviewed Item]|. Periodical Title, Volume|(Issue)|, Pages|.| Retrieved Date Accessed from Website Title website: |URL| doi:DOI


Thank you very much again for responding!